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Re: Corrected classification of Romance languages in Ill Bethisad

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson 
<melroch@m...> wrote:
> Sorry about forgeting Jelbazech!
> I also forgot to include Sardinian, which I suppose exists
> *there* as *here*.

Not in the least surprisingly, you also collectively
ignored Jovian*.  Déi ed dsauvuls!  Admittedly, it's a
bit hard to categorize, with its close ties to 
Classical Latin and its unparalleled sound changes. 
Maybe it should be a category of its own.  How about
"High Romance", or "One True Romance"?  ;o)

-- Christian Thalmann

*) Supposing Jervaine hasn't been erased from the maps
   for my lack of participation.