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Re: [romconlang] New Lang:

 --- Benct Philip Jonsson skrzypszy:
> > Sure. The version of the language you use in a relay will be
> > frozen forever. 
> Is that really a problem?  Will I be obliged to keep a reference of
> that version forever?  If so I'd rather drop out of the relay! :(

What do you mean by "keeping a reference"? The whole idea of a relay
is not to give a proper presentation of the conlangs that participate
in it; it is a translation game, the results of which are published
on a website. That shouldn't of course stop anyone from continuously
developing his or her language. After all, even Tolkien made changes
in his languages after his books had been published, no? But making
changes to a relay text after its publication would destroy the whole
relay idea, because it won't give a reliable impression anymore of
the stuff someone's successor has been working with. But as I said, I
won't mind adding a link to an updated version of the same text.
Correcting typos or minor orthographical changes won't be a problem


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