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Re: [romconlang] deus > Spanish dios: whence the /i/?

Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
Then i just need to figure out what to do with an /ei/ diphthong when I hit the Vulgar Latin changes .... my feeling is that it should probably turn into /e/, and thereby resist the short-e > /E/ > /ie/ style of diphongization in Spanish. But the /w/ would go on to /B/ and I'd end up with /deBos/. Unless I could think of another cunning way to get rid of the /w/ in VL ... eh, but at least it's interesting and different this way.

Though now that I'm looking back through my notes, I see I had been thinking about deletion of medial /w/ already in my "Late Qurese/Proto-Qoritice" transformations, which would indeed just give me /deos/ from earlier /deiwos/ (with reduction of /ei/ to /e/ (or /e:/). But then I could possibly lose my /w/ in forms from /djew-/ like acc.sing. /diowem/, and I quite like that /w/ .... Hmm, must think about it!


Carl Edlund Anderson