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Pavel Adamek wrote:
I heard about something where the user types in the sound changes, and the program itself converts the Latin language into the resultant conlang.I am using a Perl script obtained from Melroch 'Aestan B.Philip Jonsson.
Have you tried adapting it to your own lang?
It translates single words or whole text files, but there is a problem that the length of vowels does matter in sound changes, whereas Latin texts are usually available without macrons, so we need some spellchecker to add them.
A spell checker won't do, since there are minimal pairs!
Is somewhere available either a dictionary or a large text with marked lengths?
I look up each word in a paper dictionary. You can't anyway run a latin text thru the program and get good Slvanjec, since the syntax and inflexion is somewhat different. /BP 8^) -- B.Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)