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Re: [romconlang] Romance family tree

--- Deiniol Jones
<deiniol@hidden.email> wrote:

> Medolian is (I've lost my notes on it :o(, so
> that should be *was*) a Occitan-esque language.


> Also, here's an idea: rather than classifying
> the languages on geography or
> substrate, why don't we do it by genetic
> similarity (as is becoming common
> in*here's* romance linguistics)?

Sounds good.


We might insert "-VULGAR LATIN" rather than CL,
as none of the real Romance languages and perhaps
only a couple devised ones are derived from CL.

> ObIllBethisad:
> To which we could probably add the following
> branches:

> --British Romance

Thus a full listing of the dialects would be:  

--British Romance
----Northern Romance
----Central Romance
------Corno le Prowence
------Kemran New
-----Votadinian (*)
----Western Romance
-----Sabrinian (*)
------Sabrennec (*)
------Escana (*)
------Western K.
------Eastern K.
------Belgeow (*)
----Eastern (*)

(*) = defunct

As far as Breathanach is concerned, it is one of
the remaining undiscussed parts of IB's Britain.
Very little is known or has been written about
it. Even Geoff hasn't written much more than
"Breathanach is the 'Q' to Brithenig's 'P' - an
attempt to discover what might have happened if
Latin had displaced primitive Irish in Ireland
(and later, of course, Scotland). In other words,
it's a Romance language which looks and sounds
rather like Gaelic."

As far as Brzhonegh (which Jan had listed amongst
the Celto-Romance languages of IB) is concerned:

" Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:28:25 -0800
Sender: Constructed Languages List
From: Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@hidden.email>
Subject: Re: after 6 years...

As for Brzhonegh...I seem to have lost a lot of
my papers with grammar notes and wordlists =( "

It is somewhat discomfiting that one of the more
elderly parts of IB, Breathanach, turns out to be
still little more than a blank spot on the mental
map with a sign reading "here be dragons".


'n aon le prims, bes et vrach;
'n aon le cerch, fucieoir et lugh;
'n aon le ters, dofert, afert;
'n aon le coueart, y chorn ce quei 'm tetulli-el!


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
