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Christianus Thalmannus scripsit: >>_Futuere_ is "Beschlafen", which is also a bit vague, but then my >>Latin-Swedish and Latin-English dictionaries don't even contain >>these words. > > > That sounds just like my ancient Langenscheidt. Is it dark > blue and printed in Fraktur in the German half? ;-) No, it is Georges, which is altogether a heftier thing (two >1000 pages volumes) and not directed atschool use, but the German is in Fraktur, and I have one of those blue Langenscheidts too -- and a Greek one. All of these bought used in Berlin, BTW. I also have a Swedish-Latin dictionary with the *Swedish* in Fraktur, which is all the more remarkable, since it was printed long after Fraktur went out of non-religious use here. BTW, is Thalmannus the correct Latinization or do you prefer Coelander? ;) -- /BP 8^) -- B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X) Solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant! (Tacitus)