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I'm new here, and I'm anxious to share my enthusiasm for Romance languages, real and imagined. I am currently studying Spanish, French, and Italian. I'm an aspiring writer, and one of the stories I have floating around in my head is an epic fantasy involving warlocks/witches I call Brujerics. These warlocks/witches have a single-continent world of their own (something like Tolkein's Middle Earth) that exists magically within the Pyrennees Mountains. The land is called Brujerland, and it is split into two countries: Oscurland (evil) and Sorcerland (benevolent). Anyway, I have come up with the basics of a Brujeric language. It's basically a blend of French and Spanish, drawing most of its phonetics from Spanish but most of its vocabulary from French. The grammar is, I estimate, about equally split between French and Spanish origin. As I continue to develop and revise my linguistic outline, I would very much appreciate some feedback. So, I'm going to post some very introductory information to give anyone who's interested a taste of Brujeric, and I'll give more information in subsequent posts. Now, without further ado, I present titles and numbers in Brujeric. Titles: Mesiñor = Mister Medama = Misses Siñoreta = Miss Dono = Sir (Brujeric knights, or chevaleros) Dona = Lady Vustra Noblesa = Your Highness; Your Majesty (literally "Your Nobleness") Vustro Judicio = Your Honor (literally "Your Judiciousness") Numbers: NUMERAL CARDINAL ORDINAL 1 une premiro 2 du secundo 3 tre trezimo 4 cuatre cuarto 5 cinque quindo 6 sic sìquimo 7 sepe sèpimo 8 octo octifo 9 nufe nufeno 10 dez dèsimo 11 unze unzemo 12 duze duzemo 13 treze trezemo 14 cuatorze cuatorzemo 15 cuinze cuinzemo 16 sieze siezemo 17 dezisepte decoseptemo 18 deziocto dezioctemo 19 dezinufe dezinufemo 20 vinte vintemo 21 vintiuno vintipremiro 22 vintidù vintisecundo 23 vintitrè vintitrezimo 24 vinticuatre vinticuarto 25 vinticinque vinticuinto 26 vintisic vintisìquimo 27 vintisepe vintisèpimo 28 vintiocto vintioctifo 29 vintinufe vintinufeno 30 trinte trintemo 40 cuarante cuarantemo 50 cincuante cincuantemo 60 sescante sescantemo 70 septante septantemo 80 octante octantemo 90 nofante nofantemo 100 cente centemo NUMERAL CARDINAL ORDINAL 1,000 mile milemo 1,000,000 milione milionemo 1,000,000,000 miliarte miliartemo Next post: Pronunciation Guide and Social Register Pronouns Greg Bontrager