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Re: [romconlang] Liber palmarum Dei

>Here is my first attempt to translate the
>"Book of God's Palms"
>into Latin
>and then to process it by
>BPJ's slevan.pl GMP program.

Wow, this is fun!  I have made som minor changes to the GMP
since I sent it to you.  Notably all unstessed non-final
short *E*s now become *I and hence are liable to disappear,
cause *tdnl to palatalize and cause vowels in the preceding
syllable to lengthen.  I've also somewhat changed (limited)
the scope of second and third palatalization.  Last but not
least the workings of analogy are not included in the GMP...

>    P.A.


>*Liber palmàrum Deì
> > lbre plamár dzi

_lbre_ should of course be _lber_ from LIBRU.
'God' is actually _Dej_, genitive _Dejy_; run it as *de'us*.
The merging of the second and fourth declension comes
to play too, hence the -y in the genitive.

>*1: In prìncipiò creàvit Deus caelum et terram.
> > 1: jä prjaczeplju krave dzo cél je tera.

_jä_: I see you have run the program with the
_ä_ switch on.  I never actually did that, since I've
not decided all the features of the western dialect yet.
_prjaczeplju_: why is there no _ä_ here?

>*2: Caelum autem erat ita humiliter super terrà,
> > 2: cél ute jera ta vombltre spre tera,

_ta_: I like that, I think I'll keep it!
_vombltre_: should be _vombli_.  The ablative is
used adverbially (abbreviated from HUMILI MODO.)
Also in the 3d declension the ablative singular
merged with the dative.

>*ut fìliì Hominis nequièrunt stàre èrectè
> > vo vilji ónj nekvljarú stare jeretje

_vo_: should be _modu_.  _vilji_ is spelled _vili_.
_Hominis_: HOMO is either irregular _ome_ or replaced
by HOMULLUS > _ombol_.  The gen.sg. of _ome_ is _omi_,
of _ombol_ _omoly_.
_nekvljarú_: _(sú) nekvity_ < SUNT NEQUITI
_stare_: _stár_ < STÂRI.
_jeretje_: _jerecu_ < ERECTO (MODO).

>*et ìs fuit rèpendum quaternì mòre bèstiàrum;
> > je i vve rjepjád kvatreni mure bjesztár;

ET: _i_. ÎS: _kvesztev_ < ECCO *ISTIBUS.
FUIT: _(je )jést_ < EST *ESTU

>*et vid it Deus quod esset malum.
> > je vedj dzo kvo jese mál.

_vidit_: _(je) vedjet_ < EST VIDITU.
_kvo_: _kve_.
_esset_: _vljese jést_ < *FIESSET *ESTU.

>*3: Dixitque Deus:
> > 3: djeszekve dz:

_i (je) djeczet Dej_

>*"Fiat spatium làtum inter caelum et terram,
> > "vlja spác lát jätre cél je tera,

FIAT: _vlja vác_.

>*et dividat caelum a terrà.";
> > je djevda cél a tera.";

DIVIDAT: _vlja djevedjet_ < FIAT *DIVIDITU.

>*4: Et ponit Deus suam dextram manum in caelò
> > 4: je pónj dzo svú desztra mán jä celu

_i (je) ponjet Dej sova desztra mán ja celu_

>*et suam sinistram manum in terrà
> > je svú szenjestra mán jä tera
>*et fecit spatium làtum inter caelum et terram,
> > je vécz spác lát jätre cél je tera,

FECIT: (EST) *FACITU > (je) vaczet

>*divisitque caelum a terrà; et factum est ita.
> > djevzsekve cél a tera; je vác je ta.

_i djevedjet cél dja (<DÊAB) tera i ta ve vaczet (< FIT *FACITU)_

>*5: Vocavèruntque fìliì Hominis Eum Vishnu sìve Widharr,
> > 5: vokavjerúkve vilji ónj jú vesen sive vdra,

VOCAVERUNT: _(sú) vokaty_  < SUNT *VOCÂTÎ/-ÛS

>*quod significat Dìlàtàtor,
> > kvo szenjevca dilatatro,

SIGNIFICAT: _vija szenjvcát_.
DILATATOR: _dilatature_, since nominative and accusative merged.

Well, I have to put my son to bed now, but you get the
general idea...

/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
               A h-ammen ledin i phith!                \ \
    __  ____ ____    _____________ ____ __   __ __     / /
    \ \/___ \\__ \  /___  _____/\ \\__ \\ \  \ \\ \   / /
    / /   / /  /  \    / /Melroch\ \_/ // /  / // /  / /
   / /___/ /_ / /\ \  / /'Aestan ~\_  // /__/ // /__/ /
  /_________//_/  \_\/ /Eowine __  / / \___/\_\\___/\_\
Gwaedhvenn Angeliniel\ \______/ /a/ /_h-adar Merthol naun
|| Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda kuivie aiya! ||
"A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)