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Re: [romconlang] Re: Classical pronunciation of -ia/-ium?

 --- BP Jonsson <melroch@hidden.email> wrote: 
--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Carl Edlund
Anderson <cea@c...> 

> >Though I had kind of liked the idea of -/ja/ and 
> >-/jum/ :) I was trying to figure out how proper 
> >classical Latin went here, so I could decide 
> >whether to follow it in my "revamped Latin".  I 
> >think I'd at least move to /-ja/ etc. in 
> >descendants of my "revamped Latin" ....

> Well, since the /j/ pronunciation *was* current in
> vulgar Latin I can't see what's stopping you.
> After all if it's *your revamped* Latin it's your
> prerogative, isn't it?

No. It's my world so it's my perogative. (But I say he
can do it.)

Of course, failing doing-it-on-a-whim, you can always
later (i.e. after a /j/>/J/ change or whatever else
may happen) say that i > j / _V or something, and then
this j>J as well. I believe Spanish is known for doing
this, but with /h/ (i.e. h>0, then f>h>0, and in some
dialects s#>h>0 and/or x>h>0 (x<j, g)). Obviously
no-one particularly wants to be a /h/ in Spain.
Obviously it's what evil people get reincarnated as :)

Tristan (who rejoins the world on Saturday... three
more days of semester left!)

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