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Re: [romconlang] Romanescan phonology and alphabet

--- Isaac Penzev <isaacp@hidden.email> wrote:
> Raven Silverwings wrote:
> <<I`m not that familiar with the IPA>>
> It's never too late to learn.

Indeed! And as a member of the IPA, I am never
hesitant to plug the Association's resources:


There are certainly plenty of nonIPA phonetics
resources (sound files, ASCIIfication schemes,
etc) online.

> <<even a Quenyan word or two, and perhaps from
> Basque as well.>>
> Why??? Esp. Quenyan. Just for artistic reasons?

I think his aim is for a maximally artistic
language. So I guess Q is not out of order.


Itenem me per enfibl�s tramper l' ystrada mezissiv qu' onte ys itenes y mew
senpazeor: agoueniont-me y h-or tedi�s, tang que la noxthes long.
    -- Roberto map Gouelliame Duv, 1767-1850


Ill Bethisad --

Come visit The World! --
