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Romanescan phonology and alphabet

Okay, well here is the alphabet for my unhistorically-based basic 
conlang. I`m not that familiar with the IPA (I think that`s what its 
called) so I`ll just correspond the sounds with the Romance languages.

a e i o u
b *c *ç(ts) d f *g l m n p r s t v *z(dz)

The dipthongs mostly are 'ai' 'au' 'ei' 'eu' 'oi' and perhaps 'ui.'

The consonants and vowels correspond more or less to Italian or 
Spanish, but Spanish would slightly similar in comparison with the 
other consonants except the ones below.

Z is rare in the language, and only occurs in borrow-words and names, 
such as Z'íon (Zion) or Zacario (Zachariah).

There are sound changes in certain letters. 

C before -a, -'e, -'i, -o, and -u corresponds to ([c]alle, sp), while
-ia, -e, -i, -io, and -iu, becomes ([ch]emin, fr). 
Ex, "ca" (when) and "la cioviane" (witchcraft).

Ç before -a, -'e, -'i, -o and -u corresponds to (ts), while with -
ia, -e, -i, -io, and -iu, becomes (cu[ch]ara, sp).
Ex, "la peça/maça" (fish) and "Tu çeró" (I understood you).

G before -a, -'e, -'i, -o, and -u is as ([g]alda, sp) while with -
ia, -e, -i, -io, -iu, it is as ([j]ardin, fr).
Ex, "la benga" (the devil-demon) and "giana" (yellow).

Z before -a, -'e, -'i, -o, and -u, it corresponds with (dz), while 
in -ia, -e, -i, -io, and -iu, it is as the Italian ge and gi.
Ex, Z'ion (Zion) and Ziorzia (Georgia).

Kw combinations are usually found written as Cü. (cüia, quiet). 
Combinations that include ri (ry) or li (ly) are equivalent to the 
Spanish ri and ll.

Stress is usually found on the penultimate, except if the word ends 
with an -n, -r, or -l. Otherwise, it is marked with an accent aigu (I 
don't know the english name). 

All words either end in a vowel, -l, -n, -r, or -s, and on rare 
occasions, -v (av, together). 

Most of the grammar is very quite similar to that of the Romance 
languages, but the vocabulary contains words from sources such as 
Romani, Esperanto, Tagalog (la buana, moon [buwan, tg] among others), 
even a Quenyan word or two, and perhaps from Basque as well. There 
would probably be some words that are hints of other languages as I 
create more vocabulary.

PS: Should I use inflexions or should I just use particles to express 
the prepositions? In Romani and Latin exists noun cases, while the 
Romance languages use particles. I COULD use both, but that slightly 
may be cumbersome.

Vennó al scola. (par)
Vennó scolassa. (inf)
(I went to school.)

La scola ciovianín volistan cioviaçare. (inf)
La scola delli cioviani volistan palla ciovia. (par)
The school of the witches were flying using magic.

Podaro vatavar tua vasteciare. (inf)
Podaro vatavar palli tua vasti. (par)
I could see the future by your hands.

Ceste a tu. (inf)
Ceste tucca. (par)
This is for you.