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If you hear anything on this let me know! I've been looking for similar resources, too -- especially for Occitan/Provencal, but Catalan would be way nice too. Adam --- Carl Edlund Anderson <cea@hidden.email> wrote: > > Can anyone recommend a good historical grammar of > Catalan (or even > Occitan)? Of the romconlangs I'm poking about with, > I've got one > similar to Spanish and another that I want kind of > Catalanish/Occitanish. Ralph Penny's little book on > Spanish does me > pretty well for Castellano sound changes, but I'm > lacking anything on > Catalanish/Occitanish. I can probably extract > useful info from a > grammar, at least, whether its written in French or > Spanish (or Catalan). > > I'm thinking about this at the moment since I'm > trying to sort out some > of my feudal and religious terminology. I > understand the path from > <dominus> (VL <domnus>) to Spanish <don> and > <due�o>, but am wondering > what the right outcome might be, especially for the > proclitic, titular > form, in Catalan or Occitan. I guess in standard > French one finds > "Dom", so perhaps that's the right answer for a more > "southerly" dialect > as well? Though I often have trouble wrapping my > head around the sound > changes and other factors that affect the outcomes > of these sorts of > specialized terminology. > > Cheers, > Carl > > -- > Carl Edlund Anderson > http://www.carlaz.com/ > ===== Indjindrud edjuebu ul Azor ad ul Sadoc. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Sadoc ad ul Acim. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acim ad ul Eliud. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eliud ad ul Eleazar. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Eleazar ad ul Matan. Indjindrud ul Matan ad ul Jagovu. Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jagovu ad ul Jozevu ul maridu djal Maja dji fin ninadud ul Jezu fin nicuamad Cristu. Machu 1:14-16