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Re: [romconlang] Re: Azeras cun caxa

--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker
> <carrajena@y...> wrote:
> > This recipe is typical Carraxan breakfast food. 
> > Banans with cheese.
> Sounds kinda weird.  Don't know whether I'd like
> it...  but
> Banana milk on the other hand is great for
> breakfast.
> Here's the recipe in Jovian.  I'll have to make a
> few
> hair-raising assumptions about certain words, so it
> might end
> up inedible.  ;-)

LOL Well, what with the number of odd words in this
recipe I think you did quite well at decoding it.

> Bananes cun Caesu
> [b@'na:nS kuN gajz]
Title's correct.

> 1 banane contxada [u:n v@na:n kAn'tSa:d]

If "contxada" means mashed, you got it.

> 3 coeglara bueder [trej ga'gla:r 'vy@d@r]

I believe that's right.

> 1 liola coerander [u:m bli@l ga'rand@r]
> 1 liola ciommun [u:m bli@l 'gimm@]

You've got the right spices.  If "liola" is teaspoon,
you got it.

> 1 tassa lac [u:n das lax]
> 1/4 tassa crema [@ gard das gre:m]

Just so.

> 2 ?!? feta condridu [du@ ?!? 'fe:ta gan'dri:d]

The "?!?" is one of the odd words.  The C-a original
means a big (four-fingered) pinch.

> Lioga id bueder in an paenda.  Adde en banane 
> [li@g ib 'by@d@r in @m 'bEnd  ad em b@'na:n]
> contxada.  Assa id 2-3 minudae.  Adde eas 
> [kAn'tSa:d  as id du at trej vi'nu:de  ad @z]

Assa means fry?

> wuertsae.  

And this is spices?

>Adde id lac ed en crema.  Faege id 
> ['vyrtse  ad i blax e deN gre:m  fajg i]
> ferver.  Adde en feta condridu.  Misce id uscad 
> ['fErv@r  ad em 'pe:ta gAn'dri:d  miSk i duSk@]

Ferver is boil, right?

> ix liogade, ed mintra.
> [diS li'ga:d  e 'mint@r]
> -- Christian Thalmann



Indjindrud edjuebu ul Ozias ad ul Jotam.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Jotam ad ul Acaz.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Acaz ad ul Ezecias.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Ezecias ad ul Manases.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Manases ad ul Amos.  Indjindrud edjuebu ul Amos ad ul Josias.    

Machu 1:9-10