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I have been trying to reconstruct the "proper" nominative form for Iupiter that I usually see referred to as Iovis (from earlier Diovis). That just looks like the genitive form to me, or at least I can't figure out why noun that otherwise declines like a consonant stem should acquire a nominative-is ending. My initial thought is that the "proper" nominative form oughtto be Ios, on the model of bos, bovis, with a derivation something like PIE *dyeu-s > diow-s > dios > ios.
Ab origine, *_diu:s_ (cf. nudiustertius) or possibly *iu:s. u: is the standard reflex of IE *ew.
Technically, _die:s_ is the survivor (remodelled from the accusative).The paradigm of *dyews split into two words in Latin, similarly to *deywo-
deus and divus...
*Muke! -- http://frath.net/ E jer savne zarjᅵ mas ne http://kohath.livejournal.com/ Se imnᅵ koone'f metha http://kohath.deviantart.com/ Brissve mᅵ kolᅵ adᅵ.