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Re: [romconlang] Cases in Vulgar Latin or Proto-Romance

At 10:48 6.2.2004, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:

>Try Grandgent's "Introduction to Vulgar Latin".

Thanks, I'll add to my list for the next library trip.  Has anyone worked
with Jozsef Herman's _Vulgar Latin_ (I was going to settle with the English
translation ;)

I've looked for these in the Swedish library catalogs.
Grandgent is from 1908 and not available in Gothenburg,
apart from a more recent Spanish translation in the
holdings of the department of Romance languages.
The English translation of Herman doesn't seem to be
found anywhere in Swedish libraries.  Are there any
recent reprints of these works in English?

/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
               A h-ammen ledin i phith!                \ \
    __  ____ ____    _____________ ____ __   __ __     / /
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    / /   / /  /  \    / /Melroch\ \_/ // /  / // /  / /
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  /_________//_/  \_\/ /Eowine __  / / \___/\_\\___/\_\
Gwaedhvenn Angeliniel\ \______/ /a/ /_h-adar Merthol naun
|| Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda kuivie aiya! ||
"A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)