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Re: [romconlang] Re: OT: English usage question

--- Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@hidden.email> wrote:
> Anton Sherwood wrote:
> > 
> > Christian Thalmann wrote:
> > > Anyhoo, the adverb derivation is -ically
> for both categories,
> > > AFAICT.
> > 
> > Except "publicly" and one other that slips my
> mind.
> Confusingly, at least in my dialect, -icly and
> -ically are homophones
> (/Ikli/)

They're all homophones in mine, or would be if
two spellings were common, which is undoubtedly a
source of confusion when I start to think too
hard about spelling such words. I.e.,
historically = /hIstoRIkli/


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