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<unicode alert!> --- Isaac Penzev skÅ?ibva: > Since the thread in the Conlang-L quicjkly went off-topic, I'd like to tell > you my admiration here. I like the style of the page too. Concise grammar > sketch, but very clear. An exemplary work for describing a conlang. <blush> Thank you, Yitzik, that was most flattering! </blush> > I hope we'll see soon the accentuation rules, I must admit that I haven't really decided yet what to do with accentuation. I briefly considered using the Czech model, but in a way I don't like that idea myself; Slezan is not meant to do with Czech what Wenedyk does with Polish (which is also why I abandoned the idea of having acutes). So, I think accentuation will be closer to Latin or Italian. > and at least a brief vocabulary. Well, I don't think I will make a word list the way I did for Wenedyk. As I already wrote somewhere else, I don't feel like doing the whole exercise all over again. But what I will do is adding examples to every rule (yes, the page is definitely not ready yet, but then, I made it in two days). For the rest, I think I will rather create words on a need-to-have basis. You know, the problem with Slezan is that most of the vocabulary is already there, albeit in a "virtual" state; give me any sentence and I'll translate it for you! But putting everything on paper... > The lang is so elegant, that I'd actually like to see it used! Well, perhaps some shorter texts? A short tourist guide? A Babel text for Jeffrey Henning's site? Who knows, maybe some sound samples? But let's start with something simple: Servus! - Hi! Bon däz! - Good day! Bon zrn! - Good morning! Bon veÅ¡pr! - Good evening! Bona noc! - Good night! Jan ===== "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito." ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html