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This is a language concept for a human stellar nation in Zahir's sci-fi universe-building project Skies of Man. It's basically a slightly evolved and extrapolated Spanish, which will hopefully acquire some Russian influences too. Due to the conservative nature of modern media and communications, the changes are comparatively small, although they took centuries to mature. Have fun... Oh, and to all you linguists: Please forgive me my uneducated and most probably wrong use of would-be linguistic notation for the sound changes. -- Christian Thalmann Hombraian -- a conlang based on Spanish Phonetics ********* Vowels: a [a] e [e] when stressed, [i] otherwise i [i] o [o] when stressed, [u] otherwise u [u] Furthermore, i and u are used for the glides [j] and [w] when adjacent to other vowels. Consonants: p [p] t [tS] before [i], [t] otherwise c [k] b [b] d [dZ] before [i], [d] otherwise g [g] f [f] s [h] syllable-finally, [S] before [i], [s] otherwise z [Z] x [S] j [h] h [0] (mute) Phonological Derivation *********************** ...or how to derive Hombraian vocabulary from Spanish stock. Vowels remain mostly unaffected in spelling. The common diphthongs ie and ue become ia and ua. Note that unstressed e and o degrade into [i] and [u] in pronunciation. Consonants undergo changes that are often reflected in writing. In the following, the symbols W/Y are taken to mean a following back/front vowel. A consonant or end of word is counted as a back vowel environment. The symbol # represents a word boundary, V represents an arbitrary vowel. p -> p t -> t cW, qu -> c b,v -> b // #___, m___, n___; u otherwise d -> d // #___, n___; r // r___; l // l___; z // V___[i]; h otherwise gW, guY -> g // #___, n___; j otherwise f -> f h -> 0 (vanishes) ch -> x gY, j -> j s, z, cY -> s ll, y -> z r -> r l -> l n -> m // ___b; n otherwise m -> m n~ -> ni As in Spanish, the stress falls on the penultimate when a word ends in a vowel, s or n, and on the ultimate otherwise. In order to mark stress on the ultimate in words ending on a vowel, add a -h; if the word ends in s or n, double that vowel. Examples: venio' -> benioh [bin'jo]; adema's -> azemass [aZi'mah]; corazo'n -> corasonn [kura'son] Sample Text *********** Straight transliteration, without taking care of vocab and grammar... just demonstrating the sound changes. Using Pablo's version of The North Wind And The Sun, no less. Spanish: El viento norte y el sol porfiaban sobre cu�l de ellos era el m�s fuerte, cuando acert� a pasar un viajero envuelto en ancha capa. Hombraian: Il bianto norte i il sol porfiauan soure cual de ezos era il mah fuarte, cuando asertoh a pasar un biajero embualto in anxa capa. Pronunciation: [il 'bjantu 'nortSi i il sol pur'fjawan 'sowri kwal dZi 'eZuh 'era il mah 'fwartSi 'kwandu asir'to a pa'sar um bja'heru im'bwaltu in 'anSa 'kapa] Grammar Changes *************** Don't know yet... possibly some Russian influences in verb endings, producing -x [S] in 2sg and -m [m] in 1pl as well as return to the nos, vos pronouns even for nominative.