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Re: [romconlang] Romance WE

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:
> Lt. nos
> It. noi
> Sc. nui, nuautri
> Sp. nosotros/ -as
> Pt. n�s
> Gl. n�s
> Ct. nosaltres
> Fr. nous
> Rm. noi

Well, after a bit more digging I've disovered:

Occcitan  nosautres/-as
Sardinian nois
Surselvan nus
Vallader  no

That in addition to the realization that both Cajun
and Quebecois have forms compounded with ALTERUM is
making me lean toward nozaurrus/-as.  However,
Surselvan |nus| would be identical to one of the C-a
forms I'm still considering. . .

Also I fouond that some of the Romantsch langalects
are VSO which makes me feel even better about my
decision some months ago to make C-a VSO instead of


Fached il prori ul pa�eveju mutu chu djul atexindu.
-- Carrajena proverb