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Re: Days of the week (fi: Translation exercise)

--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Roger Mills" <romilly@e...> wrote:

>     _Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now_  (you can substitute Ms. if you
> wish........)
> Is this play on words translatable in anyone's conlang?

Pretty cool.  =P

As for translating it into Jovian...  "right now" would be
rendered as |nun ipfe|, so it doesn't work word-for-word.
However, one could read a similar meaning into |Doemu Rictu 
od Doemu Drictu| [dAjm riCt Ad dAjm driCt] "Mr. Right or
Mr. Direct".  If I decide that the Jovian expression for
instant coffee is |coffé dricta|, it works even better.  =D

-- Christian Thalmann