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Re: [romconlang] Re: Christmas song in C-a

--- Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Adam Walker
> <carrajena@y...> wrote:
> > Hey, everyone.  I'm off to a job interview in a
> few
> > mins, but I wanted to send this link first.
> > 
> > http://www.geocities.com/carrajena/Odji2.wav
> > 
> > I'm afaraid you'll have to forgive the lousy
> recording
> > quality, the large file size (2M) and the
> ineptitude
> > of the vocalist, since this is my first time with
> > this, but here is the first ever Christmas song in
> > Carrajena!
> Either something about my browser's WAV rendering
> algorithms
> is broken, or your voice is very barely audible over
> the 
> background noise...  

Well, It seemed pretty claer when I played it back
after recording it.  Unfortunately it was 11M!  And
Geocitiese only allows a 5M upload.  So, my younger
borther helped me open it in another program and
re-save it as a mono at 8bits instead of 16 stereo,
which brought it down to the current 2M.  I'll try

try setting the microphone's
> sensitivity
> to the maximum, 

I think it was set at max.

and sing as closely to the
> microphone as 
> possible.  

I was about 9 inches from the mic.  I'm affraid that
any closer will mean a recording of big puffs of air
at every plossive.

A sound editor like Audacity also helps
> to make
> the recording louder, but it doesn't help the
> signal-to-noise
> ratio...

Is that freeware by any chance?

> Also, if you can use MP3 format rather than WAV,
> you'd save
> yourself and your listeners a lot of up/download
> time.
> Hope to hear another version soon!

I'll have to rummage through this 'puter some more and
see if there is a program on here that can do MP3's.

Sorry for the shoddy quality.

> -- Christian Thalmann

Fached il prori ul pa�eveju djul atexindu mutu chu.
-- Carrajena proverb