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Re: [romanceconlang] please remover spammers!! (ex:Find sexy, hot, pretty BBW, BHM, FA lover in your city!)

Mi ysgrifennodd Nik Taylor:

There is no owner for this list, which is why romconlang was created.  I
don't know exactly what happened, but somehow the list owner lost
control, and was unable to get it back.  I keep meaning to unsubscribe
from romanceconlang, actually, and just keep forgetting about it.

Yeah. Twas I who created this unhappy list, but I accidentally unsubbed when trying to unsub from a different list. Which meant I lost all my ownership privileges. I contacted Yahoo over and over and over but to no avail, the swines didn't even get back to me. Let us all unsubscibe and consign the list to doom.



Ry'n ni yma o hyd,
Er gwaetha pawb a phopeth.