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Re: [romanceconlang] please remover spammers!! (ex:Find sexy, hot, pretty BBW, BHM, FA lover in your city!)

There is no owner for this list, which is why romconlang was created. I don't know exactly what happened, but somehow the list owner lost control, and was unable to get it back. I keep meaning to unsubscribe from romanceconlang, actually, and just keep forgetting about it.

daniel prohaska wrote:
Please would the list owner REMOVE the spamming ”members”

Thank you,



Von: Jan van Steenbergen [mailto:ijzeren_jan@hidden.email]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. September 2004 07:00
An: romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: Re: [romanceconlang] Find sexy, hot, pretty BBW, BHM, FA lover in your city!

--- cute25dog skrzypszy:

 Share sexy, hot BBW, BHM pictures in our gallery!
 Dating quality BBW, BHM, FA singles at our dating site for FREE!

Par Dziew! Is there a way to find out what these abbreviations mean
*without* clicking on those damned links?!


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