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--- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > 1. field AGRI > A well-fertilized field creates much joy. Cred juni agri abunozi mutu godju. > 2. chicken (animal) GAJINA > Chickens don't help with fertilization since they're > too acidic. Nu adjudans als gajinas cun il abunachuni pervi suns tan achidu. > 3. copper CAUCU > I found large deposits of copper in my field > yesterday. Pridji discuvri in il miu agri uls debozidus grandus djul caucu. > 4. mine MIN~ERA > The king's men installed a mine before I could so > much as tell my neighbor > about it. Inoguruns uls omus djul regu juna min~era andi adug eseu podudu minchunari ad ul miu cumbarriu. > 5. please SIVUPUI, SI PUACHI > Those men weren't very nice. They didn't even say > "please". Nu suns uls isus mutu suavi. Nedug dichivisins, "Sivupui". > 6. thousand MIJI > A thousand hides of my land were taken as part of > the mines. N~achiberuns juni miji saumi djil miu agri pera il parri djals min~eras. > 7. structure EDIVICHU, CUNSTRUCHUNI > They have built a hasty, rude structure over the > mine. Tembraju, avins cunstidjidu juni cunstruchuni grosi subra al min~era. > 8. ugly HUEDU, MOXADA, XAGADA, XUGOREDI, DEVORMI, TURBI, GAVI, BRUDU > It's as ugly as a demon's butt. Esti pomu huedu pomu ul culu djul Ledjunu. > 9. typical TIBIGU > Such is typical of government work. Esti fistu tibigu djal obera guvernacha. > 10. lazy DJEPANDA > I'm not giving a tenth term for this vocab because I > got lazy. Nu du junu logu dechimu pera fistuvogavuloju pervi indjepandescu. > > ~wrightm for this vocab because I got lazy. > > > ~wright Adam ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb