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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: New Testament in Occitan

--- Roger Mills <romilly@hidden.email> wrote:
> Adam Walker iscriusi:
> > http://jean.duvernoy.free.fr/text/listetexte.htm
> >Has anyone had success accessing this document?
> I just did, and read all about Saul on the road to
> Damascus.
> > Every
> time I try to open the Actes-Apocolypse PDF I get an
> error message that wants to report itself to MSN and
> then my whole system shuts down and has to be
> rebooted.
> I have that same problem in another context (writing
> email replies). 

Oh, fun that.

> you tried sending in the error report?   There
> apparently is a patch, but it
> seems to require that you have IE 6.

Well, I've tried..  I'm still not sure if its ever
gone throught before the system went down.  But since
I don't even know what IE I have (but I'm SURE its not
6) it doesn't sound like its even worth continuing to
try.  I'll buy a ream of paper and releave my father
of any excess ink he might be possessed of.

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Il prori ul pa&#38621;veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji
fached. -- Carrajena proverb