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Created for this exercise 21 new words and one extension of meaning. --- Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> wrote: > 16 June: > 1. to record INSCRIVIRI AN~OTARI REDJISTRARI > The priests record a separate history. Ils fuaminis juna istoja sebradu juns inscrivins. > 2. archive ARCHIVU > Their temples are vast archives. Uls juns tempuus archivus vastus suns. > 3. scribe SCRIVA > They employ many scribes. Mutus scrivas juns impuigans. > 4. ink TIMPU > The ink has lead in it. Ul timpu djindrru puumbu avins. > 5. insane INSANU > The scribes tend to go insane after a few years. Als scrivas debostu pocus an~us juns tindins falari insanu. > 6. to replace SUBSTITIRI > The priests manage to replace the crazy scribes. Ils fuaninis als scrivas logas juns suchedins substidueri. > 7. to pay PAGARI > They must pay them a lot of money. Juns mutus xicuus ad juns, juns nexidans pagari. > 8. rich RIGU > The church is quite rich. Al ecueja beja rigu esti. > 9. to write SCRIVERI > I write neatly. Ju scriveu cunchin~i. > 10. job LAVORU > Perhaps I could get a job as a scribe. Munchin, junu lavoru pomu juna scriva ju podju obtiniri. > > ~Wright Adam ===== Il prori ul pa雝veju fi dji atexindu mutu madji fached. -- Carrajena proverb