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Message: 5 Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 17:59:12 -0400 From: Christopher Wright <faceloran@hidden.email> Subject: Weekly Vocab 18 1. right (inalienable privilege, not direction) "We hate Rights as much as we hate Wrongs," said Gregory. Pan naux xorbax detochat huax, tan naux xorbax nohuax. Xic dict Drojauri. 2. to bless Those around him blessed him. Fsaux pin fy cunta ratra do fsau, fsaux xantyfcat fsau. 3. anarchist They were anarchists, you see. Fsaux ern anarquichex, bore. 4. to reach [for] They reach for the stars to pull them down. Fsaux xort acxex y frumpa't fsaux ban xybrat fsa. 5. freedom Anarchy is about complete freedom rather than even a modicum of sanity. Anarqui, fsa xort afrect cunta ribochat pan oti dran do xantat. 6. law To them, law is by nature evil. Y fsaux, iura xyn nature mara. 7. language I wonder what they would think of the rules governing language. Mu xorbau mirat pod fsaux fotern futat do rejra tsranta rymbax. 8. burn I have a burn on my finger. Och catax fy mi dijit. 9. to hurt It hurts horribly. Me fentat barde. 10. cheerful Despite the anarchists and the pain, I am cheerful. Pancu't anarquichex ot fsa fentat, me jot. Dibin xort amat y tan mun, fsau at dat xy xorau wiri y moch yt naux badax ten ihuinita bit. - John 3:16