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Fortunatian: Weekly Vocab 18

--- In conlang@yahoogroups.com, Christopher Wright <faceloran@J...> 
Weekly Vocab 17
 > 1. safe
 > The police make sure that my house is safe.

Fsaux tembrarex cauhuyrt yt mi dom xecurau.
[fsaS tem%brareS ko%w1rt 1t mi%d8m Se%kuro]
Note: The "tembrarex" (Templars), who operate as a maritime security 
force for a price, are the closest thing to police * there *.
 > 2. rude
 > They are very rude, however.

Xod fsaux xyn barde mardictau.
[S8d fsoS S1n %barde mar%dikto]

 > 3. illegal
 > They say that these herbs (hem-hem) are illegal.

Omnex dican "fsax orbax xyn yrjytymax."
[%8mneS %dikan fsaS %8rbaS S1n 1r%d_Z1t1maS]

 > 4. witness
 > They cannot prove my guilt without a witness.

Fsaux naun pon maurchat mi curf xin arbych.
[fsoS nom%p8n %mort_Sat mi kurf Sinar%b1t_S]

> 5. foreign
 > They say I'm a dirty foreign wretch, but I'm a naturalized citizen.

Omnex xorn dict pod mu xym huedau barbarau fajan, xod mu dau quibytat.
[%8mneS %S8rdikt p8d muS1m %wedo bar%baro %fad_Zan]
[S8d mu dokib1%tat]
Notes:  |fajan| `pagan, wretch'
	 |dau quibytat| literally "I have citizened" 

 > 6. industry
 > Foreigners are a vital part of industry, providing cheap labor 
at   the expense of the native citizens.

Barbaraux xyn bitarau xoctiaun do nojauti, dantex naun carau rabaur 
fy roc do natibaux quibex.
[bar%baroS S1n bi%taro S8k%tjon d8 n8%d_Zoti]
[%danteS noN%karo ra%bor %f1r8k d8 na%tiboS kibeS]
ohyqui < officium

 > 7. supper
 > All I know is, I'm earning my supper.

M'yntoroch mu rabaurt y mi quen.
[m1n%t8r8t_S] [mu%rabort %1mi ken]
Literally: It involves me, I work to my dinner.

> 8. mud
 > Actually, I know something else: my supper tastes like mud.

Borbor, mu csiau ariar: mi quen me jychat pan rute.
[b8rb8r mu ksjo %arjar]
[mi%ken med_Z1%t_Sat pan %rute]
Note: |borbor| verily, verily (I say unto you)
	|ariar| < alia(m) r(em) `another thing'

 > 9. cupboard
 > My cupboard is devoid of food, as is my refrigerator.

Ot mi quibari't mi jorda fycs ejat quibaux.
[8t miki%barit mi%d_Z8rda f1ks %ejat %cibox]
Lit.: Both my pantry and my cold box lack food items.

 > 10. alcohol
 > My significant other keeps a large amount of alcohol there, though.

Mi csaur xort ten mamna focra do bin do fajanaux yb. 
[mi%ksor S8rten %mamna %f8kra d8 bin d8 fa%d_ZanoS 1b]