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(Apologies for the crossposting) I've been making some updates to my "Last Word in the dictionary" site (www.zolid.com/lastword) and have a few notable omissions. If anyone could provide entries for any of the following I'd be most grateful: Arabic Belarussian/White Russian Bulgarian Chinese Greenlandic Korean Norwegian (nynorsk) Occitan/Provençal Sami Serbian (Cyrillic sort order) Slovak Slovene ... and anything else exotic which isn't listed already. Please specify the source of your information (see the site for examples), and a transliteration and .gif if the alphabet is non-roman. Contributors to the page are credited in [square brackets] after the source. Please note: abbreviations don't count; dictionary subentries are permitted if they are single words. Follow the conventional alphabetic sort for the language (e.g. in Norwegian, the last letter of the alphabet is Å). Many thanks! James ========================================================================== James Campbell james@hidden.email www.zolid.com Boring, but a cool boring. ==========================================================================