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On Conlang, Rob Haden offered Schleicher's Tale as a translation exercise. Wheee! Here's the text in English and Jovian (with certain liberties taken in the translation): -=-=-=- The Sheep and the Horses On a hill, a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses". The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: A man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool". Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain. -=-=-=- Ja Oeve ed i Eogi [j Ajv ed i 'e@gi] In u coele, a oeve tondsa ueze nus eogi. Jon unu trahe un [in @ kAjl @n Ajv tAndz y@z n@z 'e@gi jAn u:n tra:x @m] viogul, unu toldra graeve un onner, ed unu vehe un mare ['mi@g@l u:n 'tAld@r grajv @n 'Ann@r ed u:n ve:C @m ma:r] hidei. ['hi:de] Ja oeve dige is eogi: "Mic doele id corde cun uezo un mare [j Ajv di:g iz 'e@gi miC dAjl ik kArd kun 'y@zA @m ma:r] aedare nus eogi." [E'da:r n@z 'e@gi] I eogi digen: "Auze, oeve, noe doele id corde cun uezime [i 'e@gi di:g@ awz Ajv nAj dAjl ik kArd kun y'zi:m] id: En doemu hae dinte en lana nys oeve ad sic faeger [i en dAjm he zint em bla:n nyz Ajv ad ziC 'fajg@r ] an viste caeda, ed nulla lana maene ei oeve." [@m miSt kajd e nul la:n majn ej Ajv] Haende auzide id, ja oeve fuehe in planidsa. [hEnd o'zi:d i j Ajv fy@x im bl@'ni:dz] -=-=-=- -- Christian Thalmann