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More Guanche Words

Here are the guanche words whose meaning I don't quite understand, 
due to the Spanish, I would appreciate help.

Aguamames [agwamames] > abamam(ex) [abamam] f. teething ring by root 
of fern with butter that occurred to the children 
 Altaha [alt`aha] > archa(x) [art_Sa] value man (F and L) 
Amolán [amolan] > amauran(ex) [amoran] mantequilla 
Añepa [aJepa] > anhef(ax) [aJef] lance of tea very worked that 
preceded to the king 
[t.aserke:n] > /chaxorquen(ex)/ [t_SaS@rken(Es)] f. honey of mocán
 [girre] > jir(ex) [d_Zir] f. quebrantahuesos (?), the bird
 [wirmas] > huirm(ax) [wirm] booties or averages (?)
[hubake] > ubaque(x) [ubak] the fat head (?) of cattle
[wesco] > huecxaun(ex) [wekSon] dried roots of malva which have 
absorbed milk 
[tabite] > tabyt(ex) [tab1t]   jarro (?) small
 [taferte] > tahuoch(ex) [taw8t_S] f. mastuerzo (?) 
[tamasma] > tamaxma(x) [tamaSma] pispa (?)
[tezezes] > tozez(ex) [t8zez] f. twig of acebuche (?)
[SaSo] > xaxaun [SaSon] f. momia (?) 
[Swesto] > xuechaun [Swet_Son] f. raiz (?) of malva 
 [joja] > iaui [joja] f. the fruit of mocán