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Fortunatian quy vs. cy

Minutes from the League's discussion of quy as a replacement for cy

Tybori Craudi Xeberau formally proposed the change, citing the 
clarity it would give to the Language for Continental* learners. 
Thereupon Xoch Caunhori Csifiaun arose, greatly wroth, and spoke upon 
the blight which pandering to Continental interests had brought upon 
the Language. Fybri Obydi Xcundau spoke in aid of Craudi Xeberau, 
saying that both options should be available to writers of the 
Language, who could use either as the will dictated. Ruci Urac Aurati 
pointed out that the Obydi Xcundau's viewpoint was governed by 
aesthetic desire, rather than concern for the purity and consistency 
of the Language. Obydi Xcundau was incensed by this remark and rose 
to speak in defense of poetic freedom, but Je Craudi Frimau 
interrupted. Craudi Frimau said that if the Continental languages 
felt free to vary the spelling of the sound `ka' according to local 
standards, then surely those who spoke the Language should be allowed 
such distinctions. Therefore he did not support a change which would 
diminish such independence. All concerned in this matter then turned 
to the two eldest members, Marc Antaunh Arjyf and Marc Antaunh 
Arjycrau, who declined to speak and said that the way they would vote 
was the only truly important factor. After this had been said, Craudi 
Xeberau called for a vote on the issue. The votes fell as listed 
Marc Antaunh Arjyf	        Against
Marc Antaunh Arjycrau	        Against
Fybri	Obydi Xcundau	        For
Ruci Urac Aurati		Against
Xoch Caunhori Csifiaun	        Against
Je Craudi Frimau		Against
Tybori Craudi Xeberau		For