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Weekly Vocab #13

This is modified from its CONLANG appearance.

Note: /8/ = [@]
1.	to bow
nut ? v. bow one's head
dobot ? v. ought
pandau ? cj. When
cuntau ? m. every, all
chabat ? v. pass by
tofrau ? n. temple
One should bow when passing the temple.
Cuntau dobot nut pandau cuntau chabaden fsa tofrau
[%kunto %d8b8t nut %pando %kunto t_Saba%den fsa%t8fro]

2. tradition
chaditiaun ? f. tradition
och ? is
dict ? say, speak
y ? in, into, to
f'yb ? there where
iect ? lie (down)
dibin ? m. God
It is a tradition, and traditions tell us where we stand with God.
Fsa'ch chaditiaun. Chaditiaunex dict y naux f'yb naux iaciax co dibin.
[fsat_S t_Sadi%tjon] [t_Sadi%tjoneS dikt 1%noS f1b%noS %jakjaS k8 di%

3. origin
oryn ? f. origin
dexirat ? v. want
e ? prep. out of
cxit ? v. know
naun ? not
do - of
So you want to know the origin of this tradition? I'll tell you.
I don't know.
Tu/naux dexirax e f'yb oryn do fsa chaditiaun och? Mu badau dict y 
tu/naux. Mu naun cxiau. 
[tu/noS de%SiraS e f1b %8r1n d8%fsa t_Sadi%tjon 8t_S][mu %bado dikt 

4. to uphold
caurmat v. uphold (<co:fir%ma:tum)
xod ? but
yjtyr - therefore
But it's a tradition, so I shall uphold it.
Xod, och chaditiaun. Yjtyr mu badau caurmat fsau. 
[S8d][8t_S:adi%tjon][1d_Zt1r mu %bado kor%mat fso]

5. to encourage
Same as 4
Everyone I meet encourages me to do so.
pim ? 1 sg relative copulative pronoun
adben ? v. meet
huact ? v. do
Cuntau pim mu adbonhau, fsaux caurmat me y huaquien.
[%kunto pim mu ad%boJo][fsoS kor%mat me 1waki%en]

6. lynch mob
tyrb(ax)do nocan ? f. lit. crowd of killing
xi ? if
coche ? adv. certainly
If I don't uphold the traditions, a lynch mob will show up.
Xi mu naun caurmat fsaux chaditiaunex, coche orn tyrb do nocan.
[Si mu non kor%mat fsoS t_Sadi%tjonex][%k8t_Se 8rn t1rb d8%nocan]

7. goodwill, 8. society
bomborntat ? f. goodwill
arychocrati(ax) ? f. aristocracy
d' ? prep. of

I wish to keep the goodwill of high society.
Mu dexirax xorpt fsa bomborntat d'arychocrati.
[mu de%SiraS S8rpt fsa b8mb8rn%tat dar1t_S8kra%ti]

9. magistrate, judge, elder
huochitan ? perhaps
tsrat(aux) ? m. magistrate
arpotau ? a. a certain (number)
diunh(ax) ? f. day
Perhaps I'll be a magistrate some day.
Huochitan, mu orau tsrat f'arpotau diunh.
[%w8t_Sitan][%muro t_srat %farp8to di%uJ]

10. to honor
ondrat ? v. honor
ot ? and
ocquix ? v. kill; swoon
omn(ex) ? m. men (in general)
mi ? my, mine
ber ? truly
nautau ? a. famed
All will honor me and swoon at my name, for I will be famous.
Cuntau badat ondrat me ot ocquix pandau omnex xorn dict mi nomn. Ber, 
mu orau nautau.
[%kunto %badat %8ndrat met 8k%kiS pan%domneS S8r%dikt mi%n8mn][ber %
muro %noto]
