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Re: [romanceconlang] Re: Capraian

--- James Campbell <james@hidden.email> wrote:
> Adam writes:
> >>
> Well, I'd certainly look at Pisan since Pisa ruled
> Corsica during the 1200's and 1300's IIRC. Genoese
> too.
> <<
> Any ideas where I could look for info? No Uni
> libraries handy... :)

Unfortunately, no.  If you come up with anything let
me know.  I'm looking for the same stuff for my
Carrajena which is located in modern Tunisia and thus
shares much of the same history.

> >>
>  Actually everything in the region traded back and
> forth between Genoa and Pisa for ages till Pisa took
> a
> ride with the tidybowl man and never recovered.
> <<
> You may need to explain that expression!

Well, LOL  Tidybowl is a brand name for one of those
blue drop-in toilet bowl cleaners.  Their comercials
used to feature a man or woman (often a woman) lifting
a tank lid (not the bowl lid!) to discover the
Tidybowl Man floating among the works of the toilet in
his little yacht wearing a suave captain's suit and
making sure her toilet stayed all nice and clean and
in good working order.  

Of course what everyone who watched the comercials
cared far more about was what happened to the Tidybowl
mad when you FLUSH!  To go down the tubes, to go down
the toilet, to take a ride with the tidybowl man --
all bascally equivilany except for politeness and

> >>
> Corsican, Sicilian, Provencal and perhaps Catalan
> are
> non-Italian langs that should also be of interest.
> <<
> True - Corsican will certainly be an influence. I
> take your point on the
> others.
> >>
> Your little island is in a volatile area and has
> likely had many foreign rulers/overlords.  You
> probably need to concider Byzantium, Saracens, Pisa,
> Genoa, the Kingdom of Sicily, Aragon, France, Naples
> at least, up to the 1400's.  Any or all of them
> could
> have had profound influence on the history of your
> island.  How many of them left tongue prints?  Only
> you can decide.
> <<
> Now you're scaring me :)
> Thanks for the input!
> James

Fear not.  Turbulent means interesting!
