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Re: [romanceconlang] Wenedyk dictionary online!

Quite a list!!  Any idea how many terms are currently
in there?  I just printed out and counted the C-a -
English dictionary and found 946 entries.  I about to
enter a few more and then go get some diner. (hmm C-a
doesn't have names for any of the meals yet)  I've
been raiding my Arabic phrase books so most of the
new, yet-to-be-added terms are Arabic borrowings.  In
a couple of weeks I should have a whole batch of Greek
loans ready to enter in the dictionary.  And that last
Translations exercise (alternately numbered 9 or 10)
has already forced the invention of 12 new words and
I'm only half finished with it.  This part of the
process is very exciting to me.


--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
> Hi all!
> Well, it was quite a job, but I have converted my MS
> Access stuff into a
> readable HTML-file. And as a result, the Wenedyk
> lexicon is online now at
> .
> Besides, the whole Wenedyk website has been renewed.
> No Word-generated stuff
> anymore!
> With many thanks to those who gave me advises about
> hand-coding HTML,
> Jan
> =====
> "Originality is the art of concealing your source."
> - Franklin P. Jones
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