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--- "Jeffrey S. Jones" <jeffsjones@hidden.email> wrote: > Excellent! A little long for a relay. Do you > suppose 48 hours is enough > to translate it in most cases? At least the IAL > quotes wouldn't have to be translated! > ...ye shall be henceforth be banished to the > wilderness of Auxlang... ...where there is a gnarly gnashing of teeth, a grindly grinding of ossicles; where one thousand kinds of fire burn the tongue and ten thousand sorts of flame blanch the ear; where the tongue speaks one language and the teeth another and the lips a third and the throat yet a fourth, and the ears of the hearer hear in yet a fifth and sixth; and all is a bobulous babble, a fubulous fable of unity that can never be. Padraic. ===== Ories-si la Sulis couant goueniont y vathin, levont y vus des al trefoelea, levont y vrum des y vagges; aie! mays couant levab-el il mew cords? -- per tradicièn Quemrech .