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Re: [romanceconlang] Digest Number 256

More klutzy quoting thanks to u$OE

Message: 4
   Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 14:59:53 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email>
Subject: Re: Re: My romance lang.

--- "Jeffrey S. Jones" <jeffsjones@hidden.email> wrote:
>> Personally, I kind of liked it. But when the first thing out of a
poster's mouth is
>> chapter 1, verse 1 of the IALer's Gospel of the Promulgation,
> IALer's Gospel of the Promulgation? Do you have a copy of that? It
> make a dandy translation exercise, or maybe a relay text!

  /\  ND LO! - there came from the Wilderness of
 /__\ Shinar a man, and he saith to them: "JEN!,
/    \estas donis min el Diojn la interlingvon
perfekton!" And the people of the place said the
one to the other: "What manner man is this that
comes from the Wilderness of Shinar speaking in
thuswise to us? And what manner fool am I that
speak in this wise to thee that kens not my
speech? And why yells thou at me who kens not thy
babble?" And the man went up to the agora, and he
bare with him a Book. Bespectacled he was, having
a beard in the manner of a devil and the
demeanour of a Bohemian. And the people went up
to the agora, but ere they arrived, lo! they were
accosted by a man comming through the Kings Gate,
and he saith to them: "HE! es dato me de Dio la
interlingua perfect!" And the people were amazed,
saying the one to the other: "How now! What
manner man is this that is come through the Kings
Gate that speaks to us in thuswise?" A strange
scarf this man wore around his neck and a strange
bowl was set upon his head and a strange cape
with armings was buttoned around his middle; and
lo! he too strode up to the agora. And the people
went up to the agora and behold! a third man was
there, come down from the very heavens and he
saith to the people: "ALO! Es dada me dal Dio la
entralingua perfecta!" And the three strangers
debated long amongst themselves, with much
gesticulating and raised voices. None could
understand what the visitors said, and the
priests and astrologers were summoned at the
satraps request, and he saith to them: "O wise
men of the City! What manner men are these that
come from the Wilderness of Shinar or else from
the Kings Gate or else from the very heavens to
our humble agora and dispute so amongst
themselves in thuswise so vociferously? - that is
what the people ask!" Long did the priests and
elders of the city hearken to the visitors and
their strange dialogue; but none could ken their
meaning, for they used cunning foreign speech,
saying things like "grammatical incompetency",
"banal euroclonicity" and "worldwide appeal and
ease of learning"...

Excellent! A little long for a relay. Do you suppose 48 hours is enough
to translate it in most cases? At least the IAL quotes wouldn't have to
be translated!
Coincidently, I was just reading the part of the old Conlang archives
containing the IAL flame wars.

"And it came to pass that the list owner spake thusly ... ye shall be
henceforth be banished to the wilderness of Auxlang ...."

>> one can only assume that the intent is earnest unless further
>> to the contrary is forthcomming!
> I've been trying to assume the opposite, so that I'll waste less time
flaming. :)

Happily, there were no flames!

Yes, no need to use the recent translation exercise about fraternal

>> Agreed (a la English), but contrary to the premise. The premise being
>> the use of the ablative singular (-â, -ô, -e, -î, -û, -ê) as the
basis for the
>> N-L nouns endings.
> I had forgotten about that. I suppose one could invent new genders to
> the declensions!

True. That would be entirely foreign, however, to both Latin and
Romance. It would be better to scrap genders than to force new ones into
the mix.

Better, yes. More interesting? No.


Ories-si la Sulis couant goueniont y vathin, levont y vus des al
trefoelea, levont y vrum
des y vagges; aie! mays couant levab-el il mew cords?
    -- per tradicièn Quemrech
