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Re: [romanceconlang] Thus shall I thank thee.

Adam Walker wraat:

> I have chose /tSaz/.
> ten~errari -- "to thank"
> ten~erru  -- (I) thank (you)
> gracheveri -- to thank (for a gift recieved)
> gracheveu -- (I) thank (you for the gift)
> ovuigadu -- thanks
> felari ovuigadus -- to pay respects (lit. to make
> thanks)
> jugristu -- thank you (Orthodox usage)
> How's that asault you?

I'd rather stay with _ten~errari_ 'to thank', _ten~erru_ '(I) thank (you)' AND
'thanks (n.)' that gives then _felari ten~errus_ 'to make thanks', and
_jugristu_ as a free (and maybe more elevated) synonym to _ten~erru_. I, Yitzik,
would use _jugristu_ by default, though I'm not a Byz.Orthodox; don't ask me
