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Re: [romanceconlang] Duck, duck, goose. Oh, no, I got stork.

 --- Adam Walker skrzypszy: 

< snip very interesting list >

> ***Duck***
> Latin  anas

Wenedyk: anac'

> ***Stork***
> Latin  ciconia

Wenedyk: czykonia (funny, I just coined this word yesterday, or the day before)

> ***Goose***
> Latin  anser

Wenedyk: wa~sierz, gen. wa~s'ry

Some other birdies:
miorl\a = blackbird
paszczyk = sparrow
starn = starling
pul\a = hen
kogut = rooster
czyn' = swan
papuga = parrot

And the word for "bird" itself is "uczo'l\"


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