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Re: [romanceconlang] Interrogative question?

That table is quite nice.  I've sort of done the same
thing but much more haphazardly.  There are several of
your columns which I haven't touched yet.  And
Carrajena will have a triple valency in its
demonstratives (here, there and yon) but I only have
the here (fistu) and there (isu) worked out so far. 
All these little function words -- conjunctions,
demonstratives, pronouns, articles, prepositions --
eat an inordinate amount of time.

--- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email>
>  --- Adam Walker skrzypszy: 
> > Have any real Romlangs borrowed any interrogatives
> > from non-Latin/Romance sources?
> Not that I know of. This is not the kind of words
> that language borrow from
> other language, I'd say. Rather they would create
> new ones based on other
> inherited stuff, like french "Pourquoi".

That's what I knew and why I was asking if anyone
could think of an example from real life.  I didn't
expect any to be forthcome, but occasionally something
pops up utterly unexpected.

> > Currently, I'm leaning toward the following
> scheme:
> > 
> > Fin   Who
> > Fid   What
> > Pali  What 
> > Pun   When
> > Pervi Why
> > Jundi Where
> > Pomu  How
> > Pandu How much/many
> > Pochi How often
> Yes, I agree with your choices. If I understand you
> correctly, you are
> hesitating between "jundi" and "pa" for "where", and
> between "pervi" and "pu"
> for "why". I think you do right if you go for those
> forms that are easier
> distinguished from other interrogatives.
> "Which" seems to have disappeared from the list,
> BTW.

Oops!  Now how did that happen?  which is either fi or
pali.  I think it will likely be identical with what. 
But I *might* differentiate.

> > But I could change my mind entirely at any moment.
> > Conlangers perrogative, you know.  What say you?
> Have you considered making a table of correlatives?
> IMO it is an excellent tool
> for creating this kind of vocabulary and
> understanding some of the mechanisms
> of the language itself. I did something like that
> for Wenedyk, and this is what
> I came up with (I hope it shows up correctly):
>            | Inter- |  Demonstrative  |             
> Indefinite
>            |rogative| here  | there   | none   | 
> some   |  all    |  any (1)
> person       czy      il\     iwial\    nieczy   
> alczy     tocy
> object       ko'd     il\     iwial\    nio'l\   
> alko'd    tot
> quality (2)  kwal     tal     -         nul\     
> alkwal    kaszkun
> quantity     kwa~t    ta~t    -         nul\      - 
>        tot
> method       komo'd   szyk    -         -        
> kodamo'd  -
> reason       prokoz^u prol\u  -         -        
> alku      -
> time         kwa~du   ne~k    te~k      ne~kwa   
> alkwa~du  sia~prz
> place        wa~dz'   jeszyc  -         nuszwa   
> alka~dz'  ubiecz
> source       zia~dz'  ziele~c ziwiele~c z'nia~dz'
> alzia~dz' -
> destination  ada~dz'  ale~c   awiele~c  ania~dz' 
> alada~dz' -
> route        kwalak   il\ak   iwial\ak  -
> (1) There are created by adding the suffix "-ka~cz"
> to the interrogative: 
> "czyka~cz" (anybody, whoever), "k&#37850;ka~cz"
> whatever), etc.
> But: "uska~cz" (anywhere, whereever), "kuka~cz" (for
> whatever reason).
> (2) This can both mean "which" or "what kind of".
> So: "kwal" (which, what kind
> of), "tal" (such), "nul\" (no), "alkwal" (some),
> "kaszkun" (every, each).
> Of course, you can add columns at will (as a matter
> of fact, I also have a
> column for "many", "often", etc., but I left it out
> for reasons of space.
> Jan
> =====
> "Originality is the art of concealing your source."
> - Franklin P. Jones
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