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Re: [romanceconlang] Interrogative question?

 --- Adam Walker skrzypszy: 

> Have any real Romlangs borrowed any interrogatives
> from non-Latin/Romance sources?

Not that I know of. This is not the kind of words that language borrow from
other language, I'd say. Rather they would create new ones based on other
inherited stuff, like french "Pourquoi".

> Currently, I'm leaning toward the following scheme:
> Fin   Who
> Fid   What
> Pali  What 
> Pun   When
> Pervi Why
> Jundi Where
> Pomu  How
> Pandu How much/many
> Pochi How often

Yes, I agree with your choices. If I understand you correctly, you are
hesitating between "jundi" and "pa" for "where", and between "pervi" and "pu"
for "why". I think you do right if you go for those forms that are easier
distinguished from other interrogatives.

"Which" seems to have disappeared from the list, BTW.

> But I could change my mind entirely at any moment. 
> Conlangers perrogative, you know.  What say you?

Have you considered making a table of correlatives? IMO it is an excellent tool
for creating this kind of vocabulary and understanding some of the mechanisms
of the language itself. I did something like that for Wenedyk, and this is what
I came up with (I hope it shows up correctly):

           | Inter- |  Demonstrative  |              Indefinite
           |rogative| here  | there   | none   |  some   |  all    |  any (1)
person       czy      il\     iwial\    nieczy    alczy     tocy
object       ko'd     il\     iwial\    nio'l\    alko'd    tot
quality (2)  kwal     tal     -         nul\      alkwal    kaszkun
quantity     kwa~t    ta~t    -         nul\      -         tot
method       komo'd   szyk    -         -         kodamo'd  -
reason       prokoz^u prol\u  -         -         alku      -
time         kwa~du   ne~k    te~k      ne~kwa    alkwa~du  sia~prz
place        wa~dz'   jeszyc  -         nuszwa    alka~dz'  ubiecz
source       zia~dz'  ziele~c ziwiele~c z'nia~dz' alzia~dz' -
destination  ada~dz'  ale~c   awiele~c  ania~dz'  alada~dz' -
route        kwalak   il\ak   iwial\ak  -

(1) There are created by adding the suffix "-ka~cz" to the interrogative: 
"czyka~cz" (anybody, whoever), "kódka~cz" (anything, whatever), etc.
But: "uska~cz" (anywhere, whereever), "kuka~cz" (for whatever reason).

(2) This can both mean "which" or "what kind of". So: "kwal" (which, what kind
of), "tal" (such), "nul\" (no), "alkwal" (some), "kaszkun" (every, each).

Of course, you can add columns at will (as a matter of fact, I also have a
column for "many", "often", etc., but I left it out for reasons of space.


"Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones

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