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--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: > Here are some new body part words in C-a Do you have a medical background? This is an unusual list of body parts. I suspect most conlangers never get to marrow and trachea! I haven't thought too much about these kinds of body parts in Kerno, but could passably dictate a hernia repair in Kerno! Hm, let's see: " Facteor yen incisièn mezialment soer l' ernea conen llama le Nr. 10 & continuateor la dissectacièn per l' electrocauterea enposès ar 20'. Palpateor manualment cois dheyttes l' ernea & identificateor l' oumbelecca &-z-el sacke l' ernea per côstumrea tradicional. Arensolenteor lê sacke l' ernea cois vorceppes Trametheck, engouenteor yen defaute di 1/16" & ligateor con zereca le Nr. 0. Resectateor lê sacke l' ernea cois vorveckes Metzenbaum & dometeor a la Pathologea per côstumrea tradicional. Doponeor yen siste al desancouer per lâ mBovie & côensoutueor y thissues lamena per en lamena cos Vicryl le Nr. 000; facteor y sutureor le dew. Côensutueor lê nderme cos Viscerán le catte le Nr. 0000 per en technicke enterruoetu; facteor y soutureor le oeck. Feaieor curoes lê ngouelneor cos tintura benzoini, stericinttes, 2x2 & Entegraderm per côstumrea tradicional; & domandateor il pacient do li sectièn di postciurgeoirea. " That's pretty reasonable. > vina -- vein How about artery? Or is there considered a difference? > meduja -- marrow > vexiga -- bladder > pancreaza -- pancreas* > indestinu -- intestine > stomagu -- stomach > tracha -- wind pipe > pumuni -- lung > rin~uni -- kidney > cherveju -- brain > umbuigu -- navel Does that go for the chord too, or just the left overs? > cran~u -- skull The whole skull, or just the vault? > costadu -- side > gula -- throat > pusu -- wrist What's that from? Punic? > costa -- rib > > > *Do you have any idea how hard it is to track > down words for pancreas?? Medical terminology handbooks are wonderful, for when you want such terms in a Romance conlang! At the very least, the roots can point you in a direction to look. > And everone knows Catalan is essentially > Spanish with the accents slanted the other way! Attention John Cowan!! Padraic. ===== Passe lê tempeor po rizer; passe lê tempeor pois Ddé. -- per tradicièn Niponor .