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Re: [romanceconlang] Ul torvadoru ad al verra

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:
> --- Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:
> > pol ddors l?grouth doponeus-el."
> Oh, you change final r>l too?  

Nah. Poz + le^ = pol. Preposition plus article or
pronoun often collapse in this way. Frequently,
the article, regardless of actual form, becomes
-y attached to a full or reduced preposition. For
example, per + le^ = perry.

As far as final r > l, they (final ars) are
sometimes confused for ells by English speakers.
Like cantal for cantar. Especially when the
infinitive ending is not stressed, the -r is
sometimes shortened to little more than a tap.

[I noticed that foreign characters seem to be
mucked up in some way at your end. The ? there
should be an e with a carat over, indicating

> C-a did that but then
> the l got caught in the change from l>u so
> per>peu by way of pel in C-a.

Curious. Kerno has some l > u in certain
environments as well.

I got the right song, though, yes?


Passe lê tempeor po rizer; passe lê tempeor pois Ddé.
    -- per tradicièn Niponor
