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Re: [romanceconlang] Question on Italic languages

At 18:02 28.4.2003 +0100, Jan van Steenbergen wrote:

> Germanic is really F-Celtic-Italic.

I think that one qualifies for your essentialist explanations.

> I collected the names of languages used in this expression once, over a bunch
> of natlangs.  "Greek" and "Chinese" were dominant, but I also collected
> "Hebrew" (for Danish), and "Turkish" (for Italian).  I particularly liked
> the following phrase:  "Parlo italiano o turco ottomano?!"

In Dutch it is definitely Chinese. In Polish too, I think.

In Swedish it is either Greek or Chinese. I say "Martian" since I actually know
quite a bit of Greek and some words of Chinese.  People always get what I mean!


/ B.Philip Jonsson B^)
mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X!)
No man forgets his original trade: the rights of
nations and of kings sink into questions of grammar,
if grammarians discuss them.
-Dr. Samuel Johnson (1707 - 1784)