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Re: [romanceconlang] Question on Italic languages

See previous answer and replace particulars as

Why ask precisely the same question twice, and
using the Welsh example both times?

--- hotmyol <acz0605@hidden.email> wrote:
> I've been wondering, what is it about Italic
> languages that sets them 
> apart from other languages? At first I thought
> it had to do with the 
> complicated spelling/pronunciation, but then I
> found that Welsh isn't 
> complicated in that form. If you do not
> understand what I am 
> asking, here is an example:
> West Germanic languages:
> Changes other indo-european words as such:
> p,t,k to f,th,h; b, d, g 
> to p, t, k; bh, dh, gh to b,d,g. I.E. Latin
> pater became English 
> father, L. mater=E. mother
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Ories-si la Sulis couant goueniont y vathin, levont y vus des al trefoelea, levont y vrum
des y vagges; aie! mays couant levab-el il mew cords?
     -- per tradicièn Quemrech
