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My name's Carlos Reyes, I'm 14 years old, and I live in Chile. I love 
conlanging. I have a romance conlang, and when I saw this page, I 
decided to join it inmediately. My language name's Cagláll.

The death's only the beggining.
Le tanat é lleust le començ.

I'm very happy, because I joined to this group.
Eu à foárt lleu, perq'eu euní al aqeàll greupe.

I hope to improve this language here.
Eu'speu meleurà aqeàll llenguè geull.

The white doves fly in the sky with freedom.
Pléliberde, les blanc coloms xebeurà ál lleban.

Bye! (Adéu in Cagláll)

Your new member (Neu membr'eu)