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--- Adam Walker skrzypszy:tu numi. Vened ul tu re褮, eseud fagudu il
> --- Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@hidden.email> wrote:
Very nice! Only one character shows up strangely (with a Chinese character):
Adam Walker wrote:
That character that came out screwey should have been an n-tilde with an ordinary u following.
so `ren~ut'? Weird: in successive messages in this thread I've seen that word as re雝 [code for a Chinese character] re*t re褮 [code for another Chinese character] where * means e-umlaut. If those two Unicode characters are taken as single bytes, they become 0x96 0xDD <control> + Y-acute 0x89 0x2E <control> + '.' or, on a Macintosh, 0x96 0xDD n-tilde + closing single guillemet 0x89 0x2E a-circum + '.' Big mystery. -- Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/