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Re: [romanceconlang] ser/estar & por/para

--- Christophe Grandsire
<christophe.grandsire@hidden.email> wrote:

> Hey, I never said it would be so in Maggel!

La goueritats!

> ;))) Moreover, in order to create 
> something difficult to use and unintuitive, you
> first have to recognise what's 
> easy to use and logical ;)))))) .

Ah! That presents us with a conundrum: my L1 is
English, so the difficult and unintuitive are
frequently what is also easy and logical. [I
mean, what could be easier or more logical than
the strong verb system, eroded as it is!? ;) ]
Therefore, for me a maggelatious language should
look something like Esperanto, as far as
structure and such is concerned. Sometimes what
is familliar is most maggelatious! ;))))


'n aon le prims, bes et 'mbrach;
'n aon le cerch, futeur et lugh;
'n aon le ters, dofert a' afert;
'n aon le coueart, y chorn ce quei mi tetulli-el!
