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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@f...> wrote: > Yep, the first indicates on the behalf of whom you buy the present, thus the > *cause* of the action, while the second indicates who you buy the present for, > i.e. the *goal* of the action. Hmmm... in Jovian, I have three mechanisms for this semantic field. 1) The oblique case is used for goals and recipients: > > Juan compro' el regalo para Maria. |Johan ewiva donun Maerae.| [jo:n e'vi:v@ 'do:n@m 'majre] ...or with articles to clarify: |Johan ewiva id donun ei Maerae.| [jo:n e'vi:v id 'do:n@n e 'vajre] 2) The preposition |pro| is used for traded goods or placeholding: > > Juan compro' el regalo por Maria. |Johan ewiva donun pro Maerae.| [jo:n e'vi:v@ 'do:n@m prA 'vajre] > > Gracias por la informacion. > > > > Thanks for the information. |Grae pro imporwaedzoni.| [graj prA im,pArwE'dzo:ni] The thanks are given in exchange for the information; it's analogous to the ubiquitous construction |un soeldun pr'assi| "a shilling per pound". 3) The preposition |per|, which seems to have been the seed for por/para etc, is only used in the sense of "through, by, during", as in |dzindrare per naevi| "to travel by ship", |adsere per nueftsun| "to be present during the wedding", |uezire per augan| "to see through the water". -- Christian Thalmann