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Re: [romanceconlang] ser/estar & por/para

Talk to Yahoo.  And just try to get service.

Anton Sherwood <bronto@hidden.email> wrote:
(I wish people would use more traditional markers for quotation.
Markers not attached to each line are easily lost in subsequent quotation.)

> */Anton Sherwood <bronto@hidden.email>/* wrote:
>     What are some examples where you'd translate both
>     <por> and <para> with the same word, either to English
>     or to other Romance?

Adam Walker wrote:
>     Gracias por la informacion.
>     Thanks for the information.

Ah.  I did not know that.

>     Este regalo es para Juan.
>     This gift is for Juan.
>     And even worse situations like:
>     Juan compro' el regalo para Maria.
>     or
>     Juan compro' el regalo para Maria.


>     In which both por and para must be translated "for"
>      but have a very different sense of for-ness.

I infer that one (por?) means `John as Mary's agent bought a gift'
and the other (para?) means `John bought something to give to Mary' --
a valuable distinction even if not all languages make it so well.
(I was once employed by a lawyer who liked to write "on your behalf" as
a fancy synonym of "for you" in both senses.  Drove me nuts.)

>     But "by" is not the most common translation for "por".
>      The most common translation for both words is "for".

In my limited experience, the most common use of `por' is in passives.

Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/

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